Welcome to HG hub, your one-stop-shop for all things Heritage Glen. Brush up on your product knowledge, get sales flyers, or just browse through the floorplan descriptions to refine your pitch.

*Note: 2025 Floorplans and Flyers are now available on the floorplan pages!

Floorplan pages

Select either of the buttons below to be taken to a complete list of floorplans per segment. Descriptions are provided for each floorplan, as well as access to the virtual tour.

The back-end sale (prep's)

At Heritage Glen, we strive for our dealers to be the most prepared and informed in every market. The "PREP's" button below will take you to information you need for adding on after-sale parts such as: Ladders, Slide Toppers, Storage Racks & Wi-Fi Equipment.

Dealer media

Need marketing materials? To find completed flyers, or files to make your own materials, select one of the buttons below.

More Information

Thought that was all of the information we were going to give you? Think again! Below you'll find quick access to other useful resources, such as where to download the Torklift app for quickly finding vehicle towing capacities. Also use FR Dealer Connect to submit SPIFF's.


Travel Trailer Parts - Amber GarhartPhone: (574) 537-1358Email: agarhart@forestriverinc.com

Fifth Wheel Parts - Candy HoushPhone: (574) 535-2506 x 6009129Email: choush@forestriverinc.com

Travel Trailer Warranty - Jill RiggsPhone: (574)-535-2503 x 10936Email: jriggs@forestriverinc.com

Fifth Wheel Warranty - Stephany WeddellPhone: (574) 534-4697Email: sweddell@forestriverinc.com

Thank you

From the entire Wildwood Heritage Glen team, we would like to express our appreciation for your partnership! (Production Team from plant 44 pictured)